8 Things to Consider When Selecting a DCIM Solution
Published on June 20, 2024,
If you are looking for a data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solution to help manage your data center operations, there is a broad range of systems, from simplistic to robust, on the market. Here is a list of things to consider and look for when determining your requirements for a solution to manage your data center infrastructure.
Key Considerations
- Used by industry leaders
Talk to the vendor to find out which leading organizations are using their solution and the extent of the deployment. Many vendors will claim they have leading customers, but when you dig in, you find out they are using a tiny component, not the complete system.
- Automatically tracks assets
There is no point in having a DCIM system if the information is not accurate or up to date. Make sure the DCIM you buy can find assets automatically in the data center. This will help ensure the information remains accurate and the DCIM system continues to provide value in the long run.
- Has an industry presence so that you can find trained people
Suppose you go with a leading solution like Nlyte. In that case, your personnel will be learning a valuable skill they can use throughout their career, and you'll be able to find more trained personnel in the market with experience using the Nlyte solution.
- Can grow with your needs
Think long-term when buying a DCIM system. What are your needs today and in the future? Many who have gone with a simplistic or open-source solution find they quickly grow beyond it and have to migrate to another solution. Inevitably, you'll want to have the system provide more capabilities in the future, like workflow or integration with ITSM systems.
- Supports other systems (reporting, integration, etc.)
Once the data is captured about your assets, other groups like accounting, IT operations, and compliance teams will want to leverage this information. Ensure your DCIM vendor supports integrating different systems with prebuilt connectors or open APIs. Additionally, make sure they support whatever system your organization uses for reporting. You don't want to explain why you are introducing a new reporting system to your organization and then train everyone on that system.
- Secure
Data center asset information is sensitive and can be a vector for "black hats" wanting to gain access to your organization. Make sure the DCIM vendor you pick has a strategy for ensuring the solution is secure and that their systems are certified as hardened by a third party. Many vendors raise their hands and say they are secure but do not engage with independent third parties to test that their systems are, in fact, secure.
- Open and non-proprietary architecture
Some DCIM vendors use their own proprietary platforms and reporting systems. When buying a DCIM solution, ensure the platform is not proprietary to the vendor and your organization's reporting system of choice can access and leverage the information in the DCIM system. This will reduce costs, harden security, and improve the usage (ROI) of the system in the long run.
- Robust solution versus something simplistic
The expected lifetime use of an average DCIM implementation is not short-term. Think long-term and choose a robust solution that can meet and exceed your needs over time. Some organizations choose a simplistic and/or open-source solution to get going and find they outgrow the system in no time. The system then becomes rigid and unable to support the organization's needs and eventually receives limited use or is discontinued entirely. Simplistic is not good if it limits you from supporting your organization's needs.
The data center is not a simple environment to manage. A DCIM solution should not be simplistic.
Here are the boxes that our clients have been able to check off about Nlyte:
- Recognized globally by analysts and IT professionals as the leading DCIM software on the market. It is deployed in the largest and most sophisticated data centers around the globe.
- Automates nearly everything, from finding and inventorying assets, creating them in the DCIM asset database, and continuously checking for changes across the Network.
- Nlyte has trained thousands of users since the company was founded in 2003.
- The system has been tested and proven hardened for performance and scale that is uncompromised. Whether you need it or not, you can be assured you won't break it.
- Seamlessly integrates and shares data between critical business systems, including ITSM, BMS, Reporting, and Finance.
- Automates the management of complex workflows to ensure accurate, repeatable processes are managed across teams and disciplines to ensure meeting SLAs.
- Provides DCIM Automation which includes extensive mapping of Network, asset, and workload dependencies to maximize user experience and reduce unexpected downtime. (Not found in other DCIM solutions.)
- Built on a non-proprietary platform and tested by multiple 3rd party organizations to ensure your data center is safe from code vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks.
Technology changes, and so does your hybrid digital infrastructure. Nlyte has a history of innovating with customer-driven demands, including evolving to manage your compute infrastructure in the Hybrid Cloud.
Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Software | Nlyte
6 Steps to Data Center Power Chain Management and Risk Assessment | Nlyte
Trending Topics in DCIM, 2024 | Nlyte

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